Chapter 1 The Mark of the Beast Empire The Holy Scriptures were intentionally written in a way so that the impure in heart could read and not understand, but the pure in heart would be able to understand, and through much patience and deep study, with prayer, decipher the hidden secrets within. This is certainly true of Scriptures relating to salvation and is even more true with prophetic Scriptures. This is abundantly true of the subject of the “mark of the beast,'' as mentioned in Revelation 13. In order to understand who are these beast empires, we must learn of the historical kingdoms that were before them and how all the kingdoms related to the people of Yah who are called by His name. I will show just how each of these kingdoms related to the people of Yah and how that applies to the beast kingdoms that would stay in power until the return of Yeshua Hamashiach [Yeshua the Messiah] to establish his kingdom upon the Earth. I've noticed in my communication with other p...
Psalms 68 as compared to the ancient witnesses! Let Elohiym arise, so that his enemies will be scattered, and so that those who despise him will flee from his presence. Let all the wicked be driven away as smoke and vanish before the presence of Elohiym, and become as wax which is melted before the fire. But may the righteous be glad, when they are given the strength to triumph in the presence of Elohiym, and may they rejoice in his pleasure exceedingly. Sing to Elohiym, make music to his name, Exalt and prepare the way for him who travels from the eastern paradise unto the western deserts, his name is YAH, May the wicked be troubled by his presence, as the righteous are triumphant and rejoice before him. He is the one the orphans cry out to exclaiming, ‘my father’, and he is the advocate for widows, that is Elohiym in the refuge he has set apart. Elohiym causes those that are simple and alone, to dwell with his chosen one, in his house, and he releases those who are bound with...