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Revelation For The Preservation Of The Remnant

Chapter 1 The Mark of the Beast Empire The Holy Scriptures were intentionally written in a way so that the impure in heart could read and not understand, but the pure in heart would be able to understand, and through much patience and deep study, with prayer, decipher the hidden secrets within. This is certainly true of Scriptures relating to salvation and is even more true with prophetic Scriptures. This is abundantly true of the subject of the “mark of the beast,'' as mentioned in Revelation 13. In order to understand who are these beast empires, we must learn of the historical kingdoms that were before them and how all the kingdoms related to the people of Yah who are called by His name. I will show just how each of these kingdoms related to the people of Yah and how that applies to the beast kingdoms that would stay in power until the return of Yeshua Hamashiach [Yeshua the Messiah] to establish his kingdom upon the Earth. I've noticed in my communication with other p...
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Yah rides upon the desert

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Jacob's ladder and more

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The coming kingdom of the anti-christ!

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The Temple Mount

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