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Seek Master Yah first

 The Remnant of Mankind must first seek the Aleph and The Tav: Who is Master Yah

It was prophesied that one day יהוה would call out people from among the Gentiles and have His sacred  name called over or upon them.  It is necessary to compare the Old testament passage with the New Testament quotation of the passage in order to get the full understanding.

"That they may possess (Yarash-occupy by seeking after) the remnant of Edom (Adam=Mankind), and of all the heathen (Gentiles), which are called by my name, Saith יהוה that doeth this." 

Amos 9:12 KJV

Carefully examine how Yaaqov (James) the apostle relates this verse in Acts:

"That the residue of men might seek after Master-YAH, and all the Gentiles UPON WHOM MY NAME IS CALLED, saith יהוה who doeth these things." 

Acts 15:17 KJV 

as compared to the Aramaic Peshitta

Yaaqov (James) under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit showed that the Hebrew word "Yarash" Which means to "occupy/possess", should also be understood, here, as "Darash" Which means to "seek after". 

[See "", Section 5].

And the word "Edom" should also be understood as "Adam", Which means "mankind". 

And the phrase "all the gentiles/heathen" is limited to the select few WHO WILL BE CALLED BY THE NAME OF יהוה. 

Yaaqov (James) phrases this as: "...UPON WHOM MY NAME IS CALLED " The Greek word for "CALLED UPON" in this verse is: "epikaleamai" [#3686 St's], and stems from two words:

1. Epi- #1909 Stron g 's, Which means: "OVER/UPON" 

2. Kaleamai- #2504 Strong' s, which means "TO CALL"

This word When combined means "CALLED OVER/UPON", so this verse should be understood as: "... ON WHOM MY NAME HAS BEEN CALLED OVER..."

In the Greek text of Acts 15:17, the word "Kurios-#2962 St's" is used for a substitute for the Divine name "יהוה". However, in the Aramaic Peshitta a Divine name substitute has been set apart, to reveal the Divinity of יהוה THE FATHER, and that Aramaic substitute is "MAR-YAH". 

In fact When the Hebrew Old Covenant is compared to the Aramaic Peshitta New Testament, a clever distinction is revealed about the "Son", Who Yaaqov (James) reveals as "MAR-YAH", that is the "lord Yah" Whom the residue of mankind will seek after, and the "Father" Who is represented also by "MAR-MAH", as a substitute for "יהוה Who is bringing all these things to pass. 

Therefore, with a little study and comparison with prayer, it becomes apparent that the gentiles will also be CALLED BY THE NAME OF יהוה.  Because these comparisons cause one to understand Amos 9:12 and Acts 15:17 like this:

"So that they will seek after the Aleph and the Tav (i.e. the Lord YAH); even the remnant of mankind and all the GENTILES WHO WILL HAVE MY NAME CALLED OVER THEM, declares יהוה Who has done this."  

Yaaqov (James) actually translated the direct object pointer “et/את”, the aleph and the Tav (understood in the west as the alpha and the omega), as Mar-Yah, that is Master Yah, the son of יהוה.  In order to make the prophecy clear, that the end time remnant will first seek the aleph and the Tav, even Master Yah.  And that this remnant who seeks after Master Yah, will one day, also be called by the name of יהוה the Father.  

Truly, it is the name of Yah that binds us together, and will lead those who seek him unto the oneness of the Father and Son, and one another.  

I am not against all the educated guesses about the true pronunciation of the full form of the Divine name יהוה.  However, I am dead set against those who claim authority on this matter, based upon study, rather than Divine Revelation.  

What I can guarantee you is this: Those who seek Master Yah now, and are baptized/purified in water in this name, will be prepared for the Revelation of the full form of the Divine name יהוה, and to be called by THE NAME.  

This is the: Revelation For The Preservation Of The Remnant!



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