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The lifting up of the hands


Section 1

This section is important, in order to show the apostolic importance placed upon the Old Covenant Divine name יהוה and it's relation unto the importance placed upon the name of our Master Yah Yeshua. Then to discover why this should be of utmost importance to believers all over the world.

When a man marries a woman, he lets the Whole world know she is mine, by putting his name on her.  For this act of giving her his name, is the end result of the two becoming one, for two shall become one flesh. Yeshua also desires to become one with his bride, by placing the Father's name upon her, making her a part of the family. 

That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in  Thee, that they also may be ONE in us:..." 

John 17:21 KJV

When יהוה chose a physical place here on earth for HIS GLORY, that is, HIS PRESENCE, to dwell, He did so by PUTTING HIS NAME ON IT.

"But into the place which יהוה your God shall Choose out of all your tribes to PUT HIS NAME THERE, even unto HIS HABITATION shall ye seek,..".

Deut12:5 K.J.V.

יהוה chose to PUT HIS NAME on the Temple Solomon built on Mount MORIAH in Jerusalem: 

"...and that they may know that this house Which I have builded, is CALLED BY THY NAME." 

 1 Kings 8:43 

compare verse 29 KJV

But יהוה desired more then to merely call a place after HIS 'NAME, so HE could dwell there; HE also desired a people who were HIS own, so HE  could dwell in their midst and so HIS NAME/FAME would be glorified among the nations.

"And all the people of the earth shall see that thou art Called by the name of יהוה: and they shall be afraid of thee." Deut 28:10 K.J.V.

When יהוה PUT HIS NAME on His people, HE chose not to do so by Himself, nor did He Choose to send angels from heaven to perform this task. But rather, HE Divinely Appointed "MEN" to do this work. It was the priests of the Old Covenant, Who were CALLED OUT and Selected for this mission.

"Speak unto Aaron and unto his sons, saying, On this wise ye shall BLESS the Children of Israel, saying unto them,

 יהוה bless thee, and keep thee

יהוה make his face shine upon thee* and be gracious into thee: 

יהוה lift up His countenance Upon thee, and give thee  peace " 

"And they (the priests' shall PUT MY NAME UPON  THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL: and I will Bless them." 

Numbers 6:23-27 KJV

Aaron, the high priest, fulfilled this obligation as ...

"...Aaron Lifted up his hand toward the people, and blessed them,.." 

Leviticus 9:22 KJV

יהוה was well pleased and sent fire from heaven to consume the sacrifice upon the altar in Leviticus 9:24. This verse parallels Exodus 40:30-35 Where the glory of יהוה filled the tabernacle. For even a Elohym fearing and Scripturally obedient people must be CALLED BY HIS SACRED NAME יהוה, if they want His presence to dwell in their midst, and if they want their prayers answered. For When the priests fulfill this DIVINE COMMISSION, Heaven hears.

"Then the priests the Levites arose and BLESSED the people: and their voice was heard and their PRAYER came up to His holy dwelling place, even unto heaven."

 2 Chronicles 30:27 KJV

There was a special relationship between יהוה and the people UPON WHOM HIS NAME HAD BEEN PLACED. The people who had the SACRED NAME CALLED OVER THEM, the ones who are CALLED BY THE NAME:

"Even everyone that is Called by my name; for I have created him for my glory, I have formed him, yea, I have made him." 

Isaiah 43:7 KJV

"..? Yet, Thou, יהוה, art in the MIDST OF US, and we are Called by thy name..." 

Jeremiah 14:9 KJV

"We are Thine: Thou never barest rule over them they were not Called by thy name.

Isaiah 63:19 KJV

"For I am Called by thy name, יהוה God of Hosts.

Jeremiah 15:16 KJV 

יהוה is in the midst of those CALLED BY HIS NAME, and hears their prayers: 

"If my people, WHICH ARE CALLED BY MY NAME, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven ; and will forgive their sins, and will heal their land." 

2 Chronicles 7:14 KJV

Even objects made by men's hands Where CALLED BY THE NAME OF יהוה, When the Divine presence dwelled there, or HIS GLORY was concentrated over it, as the place of HIS abode, that is His Abiding Presence:

"... The Ark of God, Whose name is called by the name of יהוה of hosts that dwelleth between the Cherubims." 

2 Samuel 6:2 KJV

"To bring up thence the Ark of God, יהוה, that dwelleth between the Cherubims, WHOSE NAME IS CALLED ON IT." 

1 Chronicles 13:6-- see EX 25:20-22

The Remnant of Mankind must first seek the Aleph and The Tav: Who is Master Yah

It was prophesied that one day יהוה would call out people from among the Gentiles and have His sacred  name called over or upon them.  It is necessary to compare the Old testament passage with the New Testament quotation of the passage in order to get the full understanding.

"That they may possess (Yarash-occupy by seeking after) the remnant of Edom (Adam=Mankind), and of all the heathen (Gentiles), which are called by my name, Saith יהוה that doeth this." 

Amos 9:12 KJV

Carefully examine how James the apostle relates this verse in Acts:

"That the residue of men might seek after Master-YAH, and all the Gentiles UPON WHOM MY NAME IS CALLED, saith יהוה who doeth these things." 

Acts 15:17 KJV 

as compared to the Aramaic Peshitta

James under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit showed that the Hebrew word "Yarash" Which means to "occupy/possess", should also be understood, here, as "Darash" Which means to "seek after". 

[See "", Section 5].

And the word "Edom" should also be understood as "Adam", Which means "mankind". 

And the phrase "all the gentiles/heathen" is limited to the select few WHO ARE CALLED BY THE NAME OF יהוה. 

James phrases this as: "...UPON WHOM MY NAME IS CALLED " The Greek word for "CALLED UPON" in this verse is: "epikaleamai" [#3686 St's], and stems from two words:

1. Epi- #1909 Stron g 's, Which means: "OVER/UPON" 

2. Kaleamai- #2504 Strong' s, which means "TO CALL"

This word When combined means "CALLED OVER/UPON", so this verse should be understood as: "... ON WHOM MY NAME HAS BEEN CALLED OVER..."

In the Greek text of Acts 15:17, the word "Kurios-#2962 St's" is used for a substitute for the Divine name "יהוה". However, in the Aramaic Peshitta a Divine name substitute has been set apart, to reveal the Divinity of יהוה THE FATHER, and that Aramaic substitute is "MAR-YAH". In fact When the Hebrew Old Covenant is compared to the Aramaic Peshitta New Testament, a clever distinction is revealed about the "Son", Who James reveals as "MAR-YAH", that is the "lord Yah" Whom the residue of mankind will seek after, and the "Father" Who is represented also by "MAR-MAH", as a substitute for "יהוה Who is bringing all these things to pass. Therefore, with a little study and comparison with prayer, it becomes apparent that the gentiles will also be CALLED BY THE NAME OF יהוה.  Because these comparisons cause one to understand Amos 9:12 and Acts 15:17 like this:

"So that they will seek after the Aleph and the Tav (i.e. the Lord YAH); even the remnant of mankind and all the GENTILES WHO WILL HAVE MY NAME CALLED OVER THEM, declares יהוה Who has done this."  

Yaaqov (James) actually translated the direct object pointer “et/את”, the aleph and the Tav (understood in the west as the alpha and the omega), as Mar-Yah, that is Master Yah, the son of יהוה.  In order to make the prophecy clear, that the end time remnant will first seek the aleph and the Tav, even Master Yah.  And that this remnant who seeks after Master Yah, will one day, also be called by the name of יהוה the Father.  

     It is true, that the full form of the Divine name  "יהוה", was not written down letter-per-letter, in the Aramaic-Peshitta New Testament. The reason for this, is not because the NAME was set aside or done away with, but rather, so that the Gentiles would not have the opportunity through knowledge, to blaspheme the name.  As it is written:

"Do not they blaspheme that worthy NAME BY WHICH YE ARE CALLED?" 

James 2:7 KJV

Therefore, it never entered the Apostles minds or hearts to disregard the Old Testament Divine name: "יהוה". but rather, to PROTECT THE SANCTITY OF THE NAME.

     It is a historical and Biblical fact, that Yeshua called the apostles by the name of יהוה. As it is written:

"And HE [YESHUA] led them out as far as to Bethany, and HE LIFTED UP HIS HANDS, and BLESSED THEM."

 Luke 24:50 KJV

The Aarononic Benediction [Priestly blessing] is also known of by the Hebrew idiom "THE LIFTING UP OF HANDS", Which is followed by: 

"יהוה bless you, and keep you,

יהוה make his face shine upon you, and be gracious unto you, 

יהוה lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace "

 Numbers 6:24-26

This is proven to be a Historical and Biblical fact by "Edersheim", in sketches of Jewish social life in the days of Christ CH. XVI.  A. Edersheim. Eerdmans Pub... 

We know for sure that Yeshua did not use some traditional substitute for the Divine name "יהוה" , because HE said:

"And I have declared unto them THY NAME, and will declare IT:..." 

John 17:26 

We also know that there is a distinction between being baptized unto the death and burial of the name of the Son, "MAR-YAH YESHUA THE MESSIAH", and being brought back to life by being called by the name of יהוה HIS FATHER? For it is also written. 

"And I bow my knees to the FATHER of our Master Yeshua the Messiah. From whom the WHOLE FAMILY in heaven and earth is NAMED." 

Eph 3:14-15 

by Roth

If you want to be a part of the family of יהוה, you must be CALLED BY HIS NAME!

We do not know for certain when the proper pronunciation of the full form of the Divine name will be revealed, but we do know to whom it will be revealed: It will be revealed to those who seek our Master Yah Yeshua first.


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