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The Pronunciation of THE NAME

 The Pronunciation of The Name

Section 2

  It has been prophesied that the remnant would be called by the name of יהוה in the end times.  The major problem with this, or, the elephant in the room, so to speak, is that there is absolutely no agreement on how to pronounce these four letters.  In this section we will demonstrate the range of sound of each of the four letters, and reveal why it is highly doubtful you have ever heard the name pronounced, in spite of countless arguments to the contrary.  

It is important to take note, that this is a historical study of the sounds associated with each letter, and that no Divine authority is presumed.   

     The sacred name consists of four letters, Which operate in Hebrew as consonants and as vowels When used as vowels, they were called by Grammarians "Matres Lectionis", which means "MOTHERS OF LEARNING". Here is a table showing the approximate pronunciation of both their consonant sounds and their vowel sounds, of the four letters: 

[See "THE HEBREW KEY NOTES", NOTE #2 and #31]    

1. YOD - "Y" --- "I,E"

2. HEH - "H" --- "ah"

3. VAV - "V" or "W" --- "OW" or "UW"

4. HEH- "H" --- "ah" or "ey" [i.e. "ey" as in "they"]

When men treat these letters as if they were consonants, they then have a need to add vowels to their consonants. The number of pronunciations which are deriveable from this exercise is enormous. Here are just a few: "Jehovah", "Yahweh", "Yahuah", "Yahwah", "Yahvah", the list goes on and on.

     As for me, I'm glad to see men, who at least make the attempt to FULFILL the command to both "CALL UPON HIS NAME" and "BE CALLED BY THE NAME". And I do not claim any heavenly visitation or revelation, per say. But, I believe with all my soul, that I have found the foundation upon Which this discussion must rest. And upon this foundation is some wiggle room for error and disagreement, howbeit, very little. The first century Jewish Historian, laid this foundation almost 2000 years ago, as he wrote about the headband worn by the high priest, and the name it bore:

"A mitre also of fine linen encompassed his head, Which was tied by a blue riband, about Which there was another golden crown, in Which was engraven the SACRED NAME IT consists of FOUR VOWELS” (emphasis mine) 

Wars of the Jews, Book V, CH. VI Pg 556

The works of Josephus, Book V; CH V-7-235, PG 556 or [Pg 849].

These four vowels, stand alone as vowels, and need no consonants added to them. In fact. to add consonants unto them, is as if adding unto the WORD. Jewish Kabbalahists, insist that the name consists of nothing but four vowels. There are also  Jewish historeans who show historical proof, that the name was always four vowels. [See, "THE HEBREW KEY NOTES", NOTE # 2 and #3].

     When the four letters of the name are broken down in vowel sounds, there are only a few options. Here are two of them: 1. "EE-AH-UW-EY" 2, "EE-AH-OW-AH"

The first two vowels are well established, and can even be proven, by comparing the two letters of the name of "YAH", or "EE-AH" as found at the end of the Phrase "Hallelu-YAH", in Revelation 19:1 of the King James Version: "Alielu-ia..." or "Allelu-IA..." or "Allelu-EE-AH..."

The Strong's Greek Dictionary shows that this "i", that is "Iota" is pronounced as the "e" in "machine" NOTE: this does not mean the silent "e" at the end, but rather in how the "i" makes the "e" sound.]

     There is a great amount of historical evidence ! Which proves that the four letters of the name, Where all used in ancient Israel as vowels. In fact, Israel is the first nation in the world to include vowel letters, to help the common people to be able to pronounce the words. Just as Israel is the first nation upon the earth, Whose common unlearned people were required to be able to read and write:

"And thou shalt write them upon the posts of thy house, and on thy gates."

Deut 6:9 KJV

This does not command that each Israelite has someone else write them, but rather, that the head of each household, would write out the ten commandments upon the posts of his house and upon his gates. And it was the vowel letters, which helped the commom people, know how to pronounce and write the Hebrew words.


     These vowel letters are found in the Divine name of the Hebrew people. This is Why Josephus speaks clearly, that these four letters, are four vowels.

Truly, the real conversation about the correct pronunciation of the name, cannot begin until all parties recognize that the name consists of four vowel sounds, only.  

Here are a few real possibilities:

  1. EE-AH-OW-AH

  2. EE-AH-UW-AH

  3. EE-AH-UW-EY

  4. EE-AH-OW-EY

  5. EH-OW-AH

  6. EH-UW-AH

  7. EH-OW-EY

  8. EH-UW-EY

5 through 8, are treating the Yod and the Heh as one sound, making a lighter “eh” sound at the beginning.

My only point in giving these possibilities, is to show the actual realm of sound.  So that we as believers can recognize the sound when we hear it spoken by the 144,000 witnesses.  

We cannot know exactly, short of Divine Revelation, but we should know the realm, and never be deceived by those claiming authority, who clearly lack that authority, because they don’t even know the original realm of sounds.  We should never fear such teachers, but as true witnesses come forward with power and authority, with the pronunciation, we should move with fear, according to their words, for the preservation of the remnant is of utmost importance.



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