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A permanent house

 In order to learn more about our temporary dwelling place, perhaps we can learn by contrast, by examining a permanent temple!  Indeed we ought to study Soloman's , yet, we find that even here there is no permanence, for it was destroyed due to the sins of the people.  

However, when we examine Yeshua the man, we find that his body was and is a temple.  And those who dig further find that his body is a veil, which hides the Set Apart Spirit from view.  

Would you like to approach Yeshua the man, and pull away the veil, to behold with certainty what is hidden within.  We must do so, if we want to understand more about how to become a permanent dwelling place.  

We have been told how to approach Yeshua, but, we have been told half truths many times.  How can we be so sure that they got the basics right?  What if they missed something important?

In the Hebrew Scriptures, we are taught to confess that Yah is our Yeshua, our Salvation.  Have you ever been taught this simple truth?  For only by confessing that Yah is our Yeshua and confessing our sins unto Him, can we ever draw near unto YHWH.  For Yah our Yeshua is the only gate which leads to YHWH.

This is the stone which has been removed by almost all the builders, when they removed the name.  

Therefore, we draw near unto Yah our Yeshua, through the gates of our confession, thanksgiving, and praise, which brings us before Yeshua, before the veil, the only gate which leads to YHWH.

So, do we click our heels, and proclaim, we have arrived, are do we dig our heels in, and dig deeper?

I hope you will join me on this journey of exploration, and examination.


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