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Just passing through

 As we approach the feast of Booths, aka, sukkot, we should rejoice in the hope that we will one day have a permanent house to dwell in, while Yah our Yeshua dwells among us.  For this reason we are to feast on all our favorite foods and whatever else our soul desires, which is confined to what is allowed in the word.

But for now we abide in a house that is not permanent, and in essence, we are just passing through.  For we all know that we can't stay here in this life, in this body, for very long.  Yet we desire for Yah our Yeshua to dwell in our house with us, so that we will not be alone.  

For this reason, we desire from time to time to clean house, so that His Set Apart Spirit may dwell within our house.  The word gives us instructions for this cleansing process:

1. Repentance: which cleanses the heart, emotions, feelings.

2. Word: which cleanses the mind

3. Baptism, aka, mikvah, which is a type of the cleansing of the body, in the name of our Master  Yah Yeshua for the release of sins.

4. Set Apart Spirit, aka, Ruach Haqodesh, which purges our  vessel as IT blows through us, causing us to make sounds.  An example of this is when air is forced through a trumpet, it omits a sound.  Likewise, we will make a sound as the Spirit of Yah blows through us, purging us.  John 3:8.  

We should not  concern ourselves with the controversy surrounding the subject of tongues, but rather, know that as we are being cleansed, Yah will purge us with His wind, and when the right amount of wind blows through our vessel, we will begin to speak in tongues as Yah enables us.  

When the ancient temple was cleansed, YHWH placed His name upon it.  Likewise, when our temples are made clean, Yah will want to place His name upon us:

This process begins during water baptism, as we are submerged beneath the water, in the name of our Master Yah Yeshua.

If the vessel has come up out of the water purged by the Set Apart Spirit, then, and only then, are they candidates for receiving the name of the Father upon their foreheads.  

Those who have completed this process by faith, will be sealed by the Set Apart Spirit, and will continue to live in Yah their Yeshua, even after their earthly temple is destroyed or changed.  

Those who complete this redemptive process, can truly rejoice, because their names are written in the book of life! And they can rest assured that their temporary house, will be replaced one day with a permanent one.  But for now, we  can rejoice in these things as we are passing through.


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