I can still remember a 17 yr old me, hearing the speaking of tongues, followed by singing in tongues, followed by the interpretation of tongues. And how the cloud of smoke descended, as souls everywhere were laid out prostrate on the floor. I could not even peel myself up off the floor, the presence of YHWH was to thick for me. I thought, this is awesome, I have been wanting this all my life. But then I said, O LORD, please depart from me, I am sinful, and I cannot even peel myself off the floor.
The Divine presence was so tangible, you wanted to reach out and hold HIM, yet still intangible, and words are not adequate to describe.
I can remember, at the end, we were dismissed, and we all just stood there for a moment, thinking, maybe just feeling, I don't want this to end....
Well, here we are, and 7 days of sukkot are behind us, it would seem like 7 days were enough, but Yah wants us to stay for 1 more day, to celebrate the 8th day. This 8th day, is literally, a holding back, a restraining, don't leave just yet, there is more.
It signifies a time, when true believers will dwell with Yah Yeshua for eternity. And this is certainly a time to look forward to, for Yah has so much planned, and we can be a part of that long term plan.
However, this should also remind us of eternity, and how each created spirit is destined to spend that eternity somewhere. There is the fanciful notion that after death, the lost just ceases to be. But, Rev 14, puts this idea to rest, for good. For it is written: And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night... Rev 14:11
Knowledge of the word of Yah is increasing, as the original Biblical language is made easily accessable to all. 30 yrs ago, Men of Yah, would have spent thousands to have access to the Biblical resources which one can obtain for free now.
Yah will not put such a severe judgment upon a generation which had no access to these original language documents, because the translators left out to many essential things. So access has been provided, because the coming judgment is sure.
The time to come completely out of Babylon has come......
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