Long ago some rabbis wrote: Hallelu-Yah is a word and a name as one, perfecting us as one This stone, this name, has been removed and set aside by Jewish and Christian leaders alike. Apparently the Jewish leaders did not want to share the name with mere gentiles, and the Christian leaders desired to distance themselves from anything Jewish. However, the confession of true revelation of this stone, is what will unite the Jewish people and the Christians. Which is why it is written: That upon the name of Yeshua every knee will bow, which is is heaven and upon the earth, and which is under the earth. And every tongue will confess that Master Yah is Yeshua the Messiah to the glory of YHWH His Father. Phil 2:10-11 Aramaic Peshitta No Greek text can read so clear! Truly Yeshua is the stone upon which we must all fall, asking for mercy and forgiveness, so that we can behold Yah the word within Him. And only obedience to this truth wi...

What is the Mark of the Beast? Can we identify who the beast is through the Bible or history? Can we identify exactly what the Mark is? There is a reason why Yah the Elohiym (God) of Israel has caused knowledge of the Biblical witnesses to increase. Because, He will not allow this end time generation to be judged for receiving this Mark, without making known to His people exactly what it is, and what they must do to overcome it, and the peril which is coming upon this end time generation.