What nations will make up the end time ten horn Nation? At one time, many believed this would all be accomplished through the European Common Market, which at one time, long ago, had only ten nations.
We can get a Biblical and Historical perspective on this by unlocking the following verses:
Rev 17:10 KJV And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.
Rev 17:11 KJV And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.
Each of these seven Kingdoms, dealt directly with Israel during their day, and these kingdoms are as follows:
Five fallen Kingdoms
1. Egypt
2. Assyria
3. Babylon
4. Medes and Persians
5. Greece
Kingdom standing when John scribed this verse,
6. Rome (Rome had a deadly wound, but was revived by the 7th kingdom)
The 7th must continue for a long time, by our standards
7. The Holy Roman Empire, Or Holy Roman Catholic Church, who is supported by her many daughters
Her daughters Protested her in many ways, which is why they are called Protestants/Protesters!
Now the interesting thing about this context, is that the 8th kingdom is of the seven, not of the seventh. Which is why we should understand that the 8th Kingdom must be made up of all past 7 kingdoms. This means that the antichrist will lead a nation comprised of all Europe, Northern Africa, which includes Egypt, and Western Asia, which includes Iran, Iraq, Turkey, and Israel.
What is not clear, is if this is limited to the geographical nations, or if it includes all of the nations which sprung up from these people groups. If the latter is so, then this end time nation would include most all of North America and South America.
Now this interpretation is dependent upon the translation, :".., and is of the seven,...". And this author could find no translation which reads: "..,and is of the seventh,..".
The anti-christ must do much more then unite Europe, he must unite all Christianity, with all Islam, with Judaism. And, as is obvious, many will oppsose him, from all sides.
That's enough for now,
Yah bless and keep all those who are looking for the signs of the return of their Master Yah Yeshua the Messiah.
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