Having two completely different prophetic scenarios conclude with the 2027 date is simply amazing.
The one prophecy in Daniel 12, refers to the placing and removal of the abomination on the temple mount.
The second prophecy in Hosea 6, brings us to a time when Israel will be revived as a Nation in some way.
And both things will happen in 2027!
It is easy to draw the correlation between the purification of Yeshua's bodily Temple by baptism in 27 AD, with the purification and dedication of the Temple on the Temple mount in 2027 AD.
After the purification of the Temple, we should expect to see several things take place:
1. We should see the two witnesses appear
2. WE should see the 144,000 sealed believers, going all over the world to seal many Jews and Gentiles in the name of the Father and Son.
3. We should also expect to see the regathering of Northern Israel with their southern Israel Jewish Brethren.
4. Then at some point after or during these events, we will see the anti messiah/anti christ, figure, walk into the Temple, sit in the Temple, and claim to be Elohiym.
5. After claiming to be Elohiym, the anti messiah will attempt to put the Mark of its counterfit name upon all the people of the world. Which is exactly why the 144,000 will be going all over, placing the true name of the Father and Son upon believers.
6. After this last event, all true believers will know the resurrection is soon to follow as prophesied in 2 Thes 2:1-4.
7. And the remnant who call upon the name of_____________ will live!
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