The Revelation of THE NAME In The Torah Code Section 3 A The Altar of Yeshua Yah While fleeing from his brother Esau, Jacob makes a rock his pillow and lays down to sleep. In his sleep, he has a dream in which angels are descending and ascending on a ladder, which extends from heaven unto earth. And then Yahweh stood above Jacob and affirmed his promise of blessing, not only to Jacob, but also unto his seed. Now when we go beyond the plain text, it becomes clear that Yahweh is also affirming to Jacob the nature and vehicle of not only Jacob's blessing but also of his SALVATION. Five Torah Code messages are found in Genesis Chapter 28 and are affirmed here in illustrations 3.4,5,6 and 7. COMMENTS ON ILLUSTRATION 3, Where is encoded "YESHUA YAH" Up to this point. Jacob had spent most of his life struggling and conniving in order to obtain the blessing of God upon his life. Due to his trickery, he is now the one fleeing from his brother Esau. Late in the evening...

What is the Mark of the Beast? Can we identify who the beast is through the Bible or history? Can we identify exactly what the Mark is? There is a reason why Yah the Elohiym (God) of Israel has caused knowledge of the Biblical witnesses to increase. Because, He will not allow this end time generation to be judged for receiving this Mark, without making known to His people exactly what it is, and what they must do to overcome it, and the peril which is coming upon this end time generation.