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Jacob's ladder and more

The Revelation of THE NAME In The Torah Code Section 3 A The Altar of Yeshua Yah While fleeing from his brother Esau, Jacob makes a rock his pillow and lays down to sleep. In his sleep, he has a dream in which angels are descending and ascending on a ladder, which extends from heaven unto earth. And then Yahweh stood above Jacob and affirmed his promise of blessing, not only to Jacob, but also unto his seed. Now when we go beyond the plain text, it becomes clear that Yahweh is also affirming to Jacob the nature and vehicle of not only Jacob's blessing but also of his SALVATION. Five Torah Code messages are found in Genesis Chapter 28 and are affirmed here in illustrations 3.4,5,6 and 7. COMMENTS ON ILLUSTRATION 3, Where is encoded "YESHUA YAH" Up to this point. Jacob had spent most of his life struggling and conniving in order to obtain the blessing of God upon his life. Due to his trickery, he is now the one fleeing from his brother Esau. Late in the evening, as he gets weary, he comes to a place he will later call "Bethel" , i.e. "THE HOUSE OF GOD". When it says that Jacob stopped for the night, the Hebrew word "paga" [NOTE #21], in context, does mean "STOP FOR THE NIGHT", but also hints strongly of Jacob's prayerful entreaty before falling off to sleep. The encoded message of this context reveals how God would answer his prayer; for God would send "YESHUA YAH' to both bless and save Jacob and his descendants. This revelation is not just about how God deals with mankind, but rather about the essence of "YESHUA YAH' Himself. For the first two encoded letters in "Yeshua" are derived from the name "Ishmael" (Yishmael), which is repeated twice in context. Ishmael (Yishmael) means "God will hear". Consequently, there is a double affirmation of "God knowswill hear", which speaks of the encoded "YESHUA YAH". Then the name of YAH begins to be encoded from the Hebrew word (veyYiph'ga) from the root word "paga", as shown above [NOTE #21]. Paga illustrates how the prayer of YESHUA YAH will be forcibly heard, when no one else would be heard. The word "paga", means literally to "MEET SOMEONE WITH THE PURPOSE OF FORCING ONE'S WILL UPON ANOTHER". This is why the double affirmation of "God will hear", in context with "paga/prayerful entreaty", reveals how the prayerful entreaty of YESHUA YAH will be heard by Yahweh. Of whom, Jacob was only a type. This encoded message can be verified by counting 19 letters between the encoded letters as illustrated below. Strong's Number 3458 3458 5032 3292 6293 8121 Verse 28:9 28:9 28:9 28:10 28:11 28:11 English Ishmael Ishmael Nebajoth Jacob lighted upon the sun Hebrew Yish'mael Yishma'el N'baowt YaAqov vayYiph'ga HaShemesh Name of Letter Yod Shiyn Vav/Waw Ayin Yod Heh Encoded Message Y. e SH UW A Y. a H The Revelation of THE NAME In The Torah Code Section 3 B He Saves COMMENTS ON ILLUSTRATION 4 (YASHA) HE SAVES In Genesis 28:12 it reads . "And he [Jacobj dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven: and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it-". Then in Genesis 28:13, Yahweh is shown to be standing above IT [or] "OVER JACOB", and HE spoke saying, "I am Yahweh God of Abraham thy Father,.." From the "Y" (Yod) of this second use of the Divine name is encoded 'YASHA". Which means "HE SAVES". Thus, Yahweh, and no other, will save Jacob from all his troubles. Whether or not Yahweh is standing at the top of the ladder, or at the bottom of the ladder (and over Jacob), is irrelevant to the most intriguing question of all! How is is possible for the OMNIPRESENT YAHWEH to stand at all? It would seem, that the Torah Code already answered that question in illustration 3 above, by showing that YAH IS YESHUA. However illustrations 5 and 6 below, will answer that question more precisely. ILLUSTRATION 4 (YASHA) HE SAVES This encoded message can be verified by counting 31 letters between each encoded letter as illustrated below. Gesesis 28: 13-14 Strong's Number 3068 834 2222 Verse 28:13 28:13 28:14 English Yahweh which your seed Hebrew YHWH asher zarIka Name of Letter Yod Shiyn Ayin Encoded message Y. a SH A The Revelation of THE NAME In The Torah Codes Section 3 C The Tent of Zion COMMENTS ON ILLUSTRATION 5 (OHEL TZIYOWN) TENT OF ZION- Genesis 28:10-13 The numerical value for the name "YAHWEH" is 26: Yod= 10 Heti= 5 Vav= 6 Hai= 5 =26 NOTE: Yod-Heh-Vav-Heh, are the four letters in Hebrew Which spell the Divine name: "YAHWEH". Consequently, When the "TENT OF ZION" is encoded at 26 skips between letters, one should understand that this "TENT OF ZION" represents the housing of th Divine presence of Yahweh, in one way or another. Anciently Zion represented the mountain upon which Jerusalem sat. The root of Zion, comes from a root not listed in Strong's, which is (Tzavah) [NOTE #22] Which means "TO BE WHITE, SHINING ; AS RADIATED ON BY THE SUN'S RAYS". The picture is of mount Zion, being illuminated so greatly, that the nations are drawn unto it. For they can behold its beauty from miles around in every direction. Of course this is a type of the city, which is coming, as prophesied by John the apostle: "And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it, for the glory of God [i.e. Yahweh] did lighten [illuminate] it, and he LAMB is the light [lamp] thereof." Revelation 21:23 [NOTE #23] This reveals that Yahweh is the fuel for the light. that is the oil which keeps the light burning; and Yeshua is the lamp [tent/house] from which the light glows, illuminating the city. And because the omnipresent Yahweh is the oil for the lamp, we know that the lamp notwill burn forever. Yeshua is the "TENT OF ZION", which will be lit up as a lamp, by the never ending flow of anointing OIL, which is the presence of YAHWEH! ILLUSTRATION 5 (OHEL TZIYOWN) TENT OF ZION Genesis 28:10-13 This encoded message can be verified by counting 26 letters between each letter as demonstrated below. Strong's Number 85 3068 4397 5324 7901 3947 2771 Verse 28:13 28:13 28:12 28:11 28:11 28:11 28:10 English Abraham Yahweh angels placed lay down And he took Haran Hebrew Avraham YHWH Malikey mutzav Yishkav Vayyiqqach CHarNah Name of Letter Aleph Heh Lamed tzadiy Yod Vav/Waw Nuwn Encoded Message O He L TZ Y OW N The Revelation of THE NAME In The Torah Codes Section 3 D The Set Apart Appearing COMMENTS ON ILLUSTRATION 6 ((QODESH HARUTAH) HOLY APPEARING-Genesis 28:13-16 Furthermore, as in illustration 5, "HOLY APPEARING" is also encoded at 26 skips between letters. And just as "TENT OF ZION" was shown to be the tent which illuminated the glory of Yahweh to the nations, likewise "HOLY APPEARING", speaks of a set apart APPEARING of the presence of Yahweh unto His people. Yet no man can see Yahweh, so it was and is a necessity for HIM to APPEAR in a vessel Which suits HIS purpose. Such as a cloud or a fire, etc. But this context reveals that Yahweh APPEARED as a man, by the name of "YESHUA". And "YESHUA" was set apart for this purpose. As it is written: "No man has ever seen God, THE ONLY ONE of God, who exists in the bosom of His Father, He has declared HIM." John 1:18 Aramaic Peshitta [NOTE #24] [Author's Translation] The Aramaic word used here, which is normally translated as "ONLY BEGOTTEN", Literally means "THE ONLY ONE". Thus, the "SET APART ONE" appeared in order that we could see the Father through HIM. As it is written: "...Whoever sees me, sees the Father, so how can you say, 'show us the Father'." John 14:9 Aramaic Peshitta [Author's Translation] This context proves through the Torah Code message, that Yeshua is the TENT OF ZION and the HOLY APPEARING of Yahweh. And for these reasons, one must understand that Yahweh stood over Jacob (either from the top or bottom of the ladder) as Yeshua, appearing in a set apart body (as if in a tent) which Yahweh prepared for this purpose. NotILLUSTRATION 6 (QODESH HARUTAH) HOLY APPEARING- Genesis 28:13-16 [NOTE #25] This encoded message can be verified by counting 26 letters between each encoded letter in the Hebrew text, as demonstrated below. Strong,s Number 3364 5704 3318 2009 1288 6555 5414 430 Verse 28:16 28:15 28:15 28:15 28:14 28:14 28:14 28:13 English awoke until bring back behold blessed spread I will give God of Hebrew vayiyQatz ad h'SHivotika hinneh nibR'kuw UWbartz eT,nenah vEloHay Name of Letter Quwph deleth SHiyn Heh Resh Vav/Waw Tav Heh Encoded Message Qo De SH Ha R UW Ta H The Revelation of THE NAME In The Torah Codes Section 3 E Yeshua I AM COMMENTS ON ILLUSTRATION 7 (YESHUWA EH'YEH) YESHUA I AM- Genesis 28:15-29:13 In Genesis 28:13-14 Yahweh promises to Jacob and to his descendants the land where he now stands, and with this promise in mind, Yahweh gives Jacob a guarantee, as HE states: "And behold, I AM WITH THEE, and WILL KEEP THEE in all places Whither thou goest, and will bring thee again into this land; for I WILL NOT LEAVE THEE, until I have done that which I have spoken [promised] to thee of." Genesis 28:15 [NOTE #50] This guarantee is sealed for all time, for Jacob and his descendants, through this encoded message which begins with the word: "spoken". The promise that was spoken, the promise that went forth from Yahweh, was and is and will continue to be YESHUA I AM. [See "THE HEBREW KEY", Introduction. NOTES #1 and #2] The word for "SPOKEN/PROMISE" in this context comes from the root "DABAR" [NOTE #25]. This is the same root word that is used for "COMMANDMENTS" in the "ten commandments", which does not mean. a singular word, rather, words, which are placed properly and in the right order, to form sentences and so forth. In this context it speaks of that never ending word and promise that is and will remain with Jacob and all his descendants forever. This word that went forth from Yahweh, always remained part of Yahweh. This is how we know that part of Yahweh (even YAH), tabernacled in flesh, and God (YAH) dwelled among men. As it is written: "The word existed in the beginning, and that word (always) existed with God, and God (always) existed (as) the word." John 1:1 Aramaic Peshitta [Author's translation] [NOTE #26] "And the word became flesh, and tabernacled among us, and we saw His glory, as THE ONLY ONE, who is from the Father, who is full of grace and truth." John 1:14 Aramaic Peshitta [Author's translation] [NOTE #27] ILLUSTRATION 7 (YeSHUWA EH'YEH) YESHUA I AM (&WILL BE)- Genesis 28:15-29:13 This encoded message can be verified by counting 140 letters between each encoded letter in the Hebrew text, as demonstrated below. Strong, Number 1696 7760 7723 5739 251 6629 251 1933/ 1961 Verse 28:15 28:18 28:21 29:2 29:4 29:7 29:10 29:13 English spoken and set so I return flocks my brethren sheep brother and it came to pass Hebrew dibertiY vayaSem V'shabtiy Ed'rey Achay Hatzon Achiy vay'hiy Name of Letter Yod SHiyn Vav/Waw Ayin Aleph Heh Yod Heh Encoded Message Ye SH UW A E H Ye H The Revelation of THE NAME In The Torah Codes Section 3 F Conclusion from Jacobs ladder By studying the Torah code beneath the literal reading of Jacob's Ladder a whole new dimension is added to our understanding. WE should be able to see now, that Yahweh answered Jacob's prayer by coming unto him in the form of a man, even YESHUA YAH. And Yahweh revealed to Jacob. that only by His coming unto him in this form, could Jacob experience the blessing and salvation of Yahweh. For in some way, YESHUA YAH and YESHUA I AM (EH'YEH), is the tent of Yahweh and the Holy appearing of Yahweh. This is the promise of Yahweh unto Jacob and all his descendants, that is all Israel. Therefore, Jacob's ladder shows that the word of Yahweh, even YESHUA YAH, YESHUA I AM, will descend this ladder and APPEAR unto mankind, bringing unto mankind the salvation of Yahweh. But why are the angels descending and ascending on this ladder? The answer to this question is revealed in the New Testament by our Lord YAH YESHUA Himself: "He said to him, amiyn, amiyn, I say to you, that from now on you will see the heaven opened, and the angels of God while ascending and descending unto the SON OF MAN." John 1:51 Aramaic Peshitta ' Author's Translation) [NOTE #28]


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