Psalms 68 as compared to the ancient witnesses!
Let Elohiym arise, so that his enemies will be scattered, and so that those who despise him will flee from his presence.
Let all the wicked be driven away as smoke and vanish before the presence of Elohiym, and become as wax which is melted before the fire.
But may the righteous be glad, when they are given the strength to triumph in the presence of Elohiym, and may they rejoice in his pleasure exceedingly.
Sing to Elohiym, make music to his name, Exalt and prepare the way for him who travels from the eastern paradise unto the western deserts, his name is YAH, May the wicked be troubled by his presence, as the righteous are triumphant and rejoice before him.
He is the one the orphans cry out to exclaiming, ‘my father’, and he is the advocate for widows, that is Elohiym in the refuge he has set apart.
Elohiym causes those that are simple and alone, to dwell with his chosen one, in his house, and he releases those who are bound with chains, while the rebellious continue to dwell as dry bones in the western desert, just as if they were dwelling in tombs.
O Elohiym, (what happened) as you went before your people, as you marched in the desert? Think about it!
The earth shook as the heavenly words gradually fell from the presence of Elohiym, from the presence of the Elohiym of mount Sinai, the Elohiym of Israel.
You sprinkled rain freely and abundantly unto your inheritance, O Elohiym; for it was weak and weary and you revived it.
O Elohiym, in your goodness, you have prepared and strengthened the poor, making them alive and vibrant, so that they also may dwell in your house.
יהוה Will give the word to the multitude announcing the renewed hope with great power.
Surely the armies of many kings will flee, and the perfected of Yah’s house will divide the spoil.
Even though you slept between the stakes, you shall be as the wings of a dove covered in silver and its feathers in refined gold.
When El Shaday (God Almighty) sets apart a king to himself, kings will be scattered, when they behold his image as white as snow.
The mountain of Elohiym is a fruitful mountain, a mountain upon which the gathered fruits are piled very high, as they continue to bear fruit.
Why do you watch the fruitful mountain with hostile intent? For this is the mountain Elohiym delights to dwell in forever.
Elohiym rides with ten thousand fold of transformed souls, יהוה is among them, as in Sinai in the set apart place. [or: “going from Sinai unto His set apart place”]
You have ascended on high, leading the captives unto a secure and safe place. You have given gifts to mankind, (even the rebellious who have resisted persuasion), and received gifts from mankind, so that Yah Elohiym may dwell among mankind.
Bless יהוה every day, for he has chosen us as his inheritance and has caused us to prosper, the El of our salvation. Think about it!
Our El is the El of salvation, and unto יהוה our Master is the power of life and death.
Surely Elohiym will crush the head of his enemies and the hairy scalp of those who continue in their trespasses.
יהוה said, I will return from the fruitful mountain, I will return from the depths of the sea, and I will lead my people from the fruitful mountain and from the depths of the sea.
So that you may dip your foot in the blood of your enemies, and your dog’s tongue will be stained in the same.
O Elohiym, surely they have seen your coming and going, the coming and going of my El and my King in the Temple (Set Apart Place).
Princes led in song, after them followed those who play musical instruments in the midst of the young woman playing timbrels.
In the congregations bless יהוה our Elohiym who is the fountain of Israel, bless him from the fountain of Israel.
There is little Benjamin in silence, the rulers of Judah and their governors, the rulers of Zebulon, the rulers of Naphtali,
Appoint your strength O Elohiym, and fortify your work in our midst, O Elohiym!
Because of your temple at Jerusalem, kings shall bring offerings unto you.
Rebuke the company of spearman, the multitude of mighty men, with the offerings of the people, (til they) submit with pieces of silver, scatter the people who delight in war. Hebrew
Rebuke the company of spearman, the assembly of mighty men and the offerings of the Gentiles overlaid with silver, scatter those who seek war. Peshitta Aramaic
Rebuke the company of spearmen, the gathering of the mighty with the offerings of the people; to lock up those being tried with silver {or} [so that they who have been proved with silver may not be shut out], scatter the nations that wish for wars. LXX Greek
Ambassadors will come out of Egypt, Ethiopia (Cush) will hasten to yield the hand unto Elohiym.
Kingdoms of the earth sing unto Elohiym; play musical instruments unto יהוה. Think about it!
For He rides upon the heaven of heavens towards the Eastern Ancient Paradise, behold, He gives forth His voice, a mighty voice. {or} He will make His voice heard with Great Power.
Ascribe to Elohiym glory, praise and strength, His pride is over Israel, and His glory, praise and strength is in the clouds, that is in the heaven of heavens.
Elohiym, you are awesome from your set apart place, The El of Israel who will give strength and might to his people
. Bless Elohiym!
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