THE LIFTING UP OF HANDS Section 1 This section is important, in order to show the apostolic importance placed upon the Old Covenant Divine name יהוה and it's relation unto the importance placed upon the name of our Master Yah Yeshua. Then to discover why this should be of utmost importance to believers all over the world. When a man marries a woman, he lets the Whole world know she is mine, by putting his name on her. For this act of giving her his name, is the end result of the two becoming one, for two shall become one flesh. Yeshua also desires to become one with his bride, by placing the Father's name upon her, making her a part of the family. That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in Thee, that they also may be ONE in us:..." John 17:21 KJV When יהוה chose a physical place here on earth for HIS GLORY, that is, HIS PRESENCE, to dwell, He did so by PUTTING HIS NAME ON IT. "But into the place which יהוה your God shall Choose out of ...

What is the Mark of the Beast? Can we identify who the beast is through the Bible or history? Can we identify exactly what the Mark is? There is a reason why Yah the Elohiym (God) of Israel has caused knowledge of the Biblical witnesses to increase. Because, He will not allow this end time generation to be judged for receiving this Mark, without making known to His people exactly what it is, and what they must do to overcome it, and the peril which is coming upon this end time generation.