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Showing posts from November, 2021

The coming kingdom of the anti-christ!

 What nations will make up the end time ten horn Nation?  At one time, many believed this would all be accomplished through the European Common Market, which at one time, long ago, had only ten nations.   We can get a Biblical and Historical perspective on this by unlocking the following verses: Rev 17:10 KJV And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space. Rev 17:11 KJV And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition. Each of these seven Kingdoms, dealt directly with Israel during their day, and these kingdoms are as follows: Five fallen Kingdoms 1. Egypt 2. Assyria 3. Babylon 4. Medes and Persians 5. Greece Kingdom standing when John scribed this verse,  6. Rome (Rome had a deadly wound, but was revived by the 7th kingdom) The 7th must continue for a long time, by our standards 7. The Holy Roman Empire, Or Holy R...

The Temple Mount

 Having two completely different prophetic scenarios conclude with the 2027 date is simply amazing. The one prophecy in Daniel 12, refers to the placing and removal of the abomination on the temple mount. The second prophecy in Hosea 6, brings us to a time when Israel will be revived as a Nation in some way. And both things will happen in 2027! It is easy to draw the correlation between the purification of Yeshua's bodily Temple by baptism in 27 AD, with the purification and dedication of the Temple on the Temple mount in 2027 AD. After the purification of the Temple, we should expect to see several things take place: 1. We should see the two witnesses appear 2. WE should see the 144,000 sealed believers, going all over the world to seal many Jews and Gentiles in the name of the Father and Son. 3. We should also expect to see the regathering of Northern Israel with their southern Israel Jewish Brethren. 4. Then at some point after or during these events, we will see the anti messia...

Why will the Jews be happy in 2027?

 The temple sacrifices were originally intended, for the Nation of Israel.  So that they would be able to stand,  set apart from the nations of the world, with the blessings of Yah.  However, this time period ended with the captivity of Daniel around 598 B.C.  Because, from this time forward, they would almost always be subject to foreign rule.  A rule that would continue in one way or another, until the end time reestablishment of Israel.   For this reason, we should understand, that the daily sacrifice was literally taken away, along with Daniel in 598 B.C.  This helps us to understand the following verse: Dan 12:11 KJV And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days. When in prayer on this verse, Yah spoke to me, and said, study the temple mount!   This is when I discovered that the Dome of the Rock was set u...

2027 then what?

 The prophet Hoses wrote, after two days He will revive us,... Hoses 6:2 Many have taken this to mean 2000 years. As one day with Yah is as 1000 years. Thus, if Yeshua was baptized, that is His temple was purified in 27 A.D. as many believe, then that would mean we should expect something extraordinary to happen in 2027. Indeed 2027 is also the date we should expect to see the Temple rebuilt and purified, according to another prophetic passage.   So, when I considered the relationship between the purification of Yeshua's earthly body, or Temple, with the corresponding purification of the earthly Temple 2000 years later, I thought, this is something I must share. Please remember, these dates could be off by a year, meaning it could be fulfilled in 2028. It's  what comes next that is truly exciting!  So prepare yourself to be amazed in 2028.