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Showing posts from September, 2021

Confess Who? What?

 Notice the Aramaic Peshitta wording of this very familiar passage: "And if you will confess with you mouth in our Master Yeshua,..." Rom 10:9 There is no easy way for the translator to place this "in", into our English translations.  Paul is saying, there is something about our Master Yeshua, that is being made obvious by the overall context, that we must confess.  This fill in the blank type of communication/writing was used often in the Greek New testament, and is being used here by Paul in the original Aramaic. Now the most obvious thing one must confess, is there belief IN our Master Yeshua.  But exactly what are we to believe about HIM?  For surely others were also raised from the dead!   On this point the best Greek texts fall short.  Happy for us, we now have the Aramaic Peshitta to fill in this most important blank. For it is written: Master Yah is the same to both Jews and Aramaeans, who call upon Him. Rom 10:12 Everyone who will call on...

Who is Yah?

 The name of Yah is proclaimed universally, mostly, ignorantly, when people say or sing the compound phrase: Hallelu-Yah, which means Praise Yah! To understand who  Yah really is, one must learn through Biblical contrast:  When Psalms 118 is examined in the original Hebrew, this contrast gives perspective, enlightenment. V.14: Yah is become my Salvation, my Yeshua v.19: The various meanings associated with the Hebrew word Yadah, i.e. confession, thanksgiving and praise are shown to be the gates through which souls must draw unto Yah.  However, What is it about Yah that we are supposed to confess?  We must confess that Yah is our Yeshua, then confess our sins unto Him, then we can offer him thanksgiving and praise, as we draw near to him. v. 20:  We are told that this is the only gate which leads to YHWH.  In fact, we cannot find YHWH the Father, without first entering in through Yah Yeshua His Son.   v. 22: Lets us know that this simple messa...

Not done, having fun!

 I can still remember a 17 yr old me, hearing the speaking of tongues, followed by singing in tongues, followed by the interpretation of tongues.  And how the cloud of smoke descended, as souls everywhere were laid out prostrate on the floor.  I could not even peel myself up off the floor, the presence of YHWH was to thick for me.  I thought, this is awesome, I have been wanting this all my life. But then I said, O LORD, please depart from me, I am sinful, and I cannot even peel myself off the floor.   The Divine presence was so tangible, you wanted to reach out and hold HIM, yet still intangible, and words are not adequate to describe.   I can remember, at the end, we were dismissed, and we all just stood there for a moment, thinking, maybe just feeling, I don't want this to end.... Well, here we are, and 7 days of sukkot are behind us, it would seem like 7 days were enough, but Yah wants us to stay for 1 more day, to celebrate the 8th day. ...

Curse free sukkot

 As long as we continue in our present sukkot, i.e. our present mortal bodies, we abide under the curse of sin.  So we can rejoice in knowing that in our resurrected bodies, there will be no more curse. But for now, we have the redemptive process offered through Yah our Yeshua. Which includes a step for each aspect of our soul: mind, heart, body, spirit. Sadly, this foundation has been under attack from every direction, so that most today, cannot even identify every foundational redemptive step. Yet, this is the crow bar, so to speak, which will break the bondage of sin in our individual lives.  It's  as if the mainstream churches are saying: let sin reign..... May we been given grace to live by the higher standard found in the scriptures, and repair the broken foundation. May Yah our Yeshua bless and keep you!

Purging our sukkot

 Do you want Yah YHWH to dwell in your sukkot? Do you want the Father and Son as occasional company, or do you want them to dwell permanently?  It is easy to say, "keep the commandments", "for in doing them, is life"! Yet the heart does not always aspire to this goal. How often do believers desire to pray in the spirit, i.e. pray in tongues, only to find a impure thought has crept into their mind and heart. So many have been given over to seducing spirits, deceiving spirits, by simply proceeding anyway, without discretion.   Confession and repentance of every unclean deed and thought is absolutely essential, before we can properly purify our vessels by praying in the spirit.  Therefore, there is a process of drawing near for the new believer as well as the seasoned one.   Remember, Yah is no respecting of persons, and He will not give one soul the ability to purge their sukkot, by praying in tongues, and refuse to give it to another. Their is a measure...

Double full and more!

 We can see the need to cleanse our sukkot, and we have been given the instructions on how to do so, through the four steps of purification: 1. the Living Word 2. repentance 3. baptism of the water 4. baptism of the spirit.  But what do we do once our sukkot is clean?  Have you read the story of the man who was purged of the unclean spirit, and how that spirit took with him 7 evil spirits, more unclean then itself, and returned to enter back into the cleansed vessel?  This man would have been better off  to have never been purged.  For this reason it is imperative after having been purified, to receive the infilling of both the LIVING WORD and the LIVING WATERS, that is with the Son and the Father.  So that they may operate through our sukkot to minister life and healing to those around us.   Yet there is still more, because Yeshua gave us the story of the wise and unwise virgins.  They were all filled, but 7 had also filled extra vessel...

One temple for Father and Son!

 It is written that Yah YHWH will become our Yeshua, our salvation. But in this context, we are told to draw water from the wells of the Yeshua, the salvation, in fact the only place from which these living waters can be drawn. This is the context Yeshua was referring to as the name of the Set Apart Spirit, or Holy Spirit, as most understand.   For as we receive The SPIRIT of Yah the word, through our confession, thanksgiving, and praise of Yah our Yeshua, the door is open to receive the Living Waters,  YHWH the Father, our heavenly Father. The depth of this subject is delved into in the associated blog master Yah is Yeshua, Ch 1 Yah is Salvation. We desire the word of Yah the Son to abide with us and flow out from our temporary bodies in teachings and instructions.  May we seek for more, so that the Living Waters of YHWH our heavenly Father,  will also flow forth from our temporary homes to touch and heal our city, State, Country and world.   For...

Can we have a fan?

 What's the purpose of sleeping in a sukkot/booth or tent?  With no fan, plenty of mosquitoes. Can an adult actually sleep like this?  No A.C., no indoor plumbing.  Is this a celebration or just another trial?  Maybe, stay up all night praying, swatting mosquitoes? It really is difficult to be content in one's sukkot, when accustomed to modern day living. Do you think, that once you are in your resurrected  body, that you will long to return to the pain, suffering and trials found in this temporary body?  I say: no way.... At that time, staying in our sukkot will be much preferable, then to returning to our temporary bodies.   So we are to remember that Israel dwelled in sukkots in the wilderness, and we are reminded of the joy and suffering in this present temporary body, but we rejoice that Yah the word of YHWH who has preserved us throughout every trial, will grant us eternity with Him in permanent bodies.   REJOICE!

Our permanent bodies

 Just think, one day, we will all be celebrating a time when we used to dwell in temporary bodies.  While we worship Yah Yeshua our King in Jerusalem for 1000 years.  We will no longer remember the time of Israel in the wilderness, alone; but will rejoice in our glorified bodies.   At that time, we will have looked beyond the veil of Yeshua's body.  But for now, we still long to know as we are known. As we draw near to Yah our Yeshua through confession, Thanksgiving and praise.

A permanent house

 In order to learn more about our temporary dwelling place, perhaps we can learn by contrast, by examining a permanent temple!  Indeed we ought to study Soloman's , yet, we find that even here there is no permanence, for it was destroyed due to the sins of the people.   However, when we examine Yeshua the man, we find that his body was and is a temple.  And those who dig further find that his body is a veil, which hides the Set Apart Spirit from view.   Would you like to approach Yeshua the man, and pull away the veil, to behold with certainty what is hidden within.  We must do so, if we want to understand more about how to become a permanent dwelling place.   We have been told how to approach Yeshua, but, we have been told half truths many times.  How can we be so sure that they got the basics right?  What if they missed something important? In the Hebrew Scriptures, we are taught to confess that Yah is our Yeshua, our Salvati...

Just passing through

 As we approach the feast of Booths, aka, sukkot, we should rejoice in the hope that we will one day have a permanent house to dwell in, while Yah our Yeshua dwells among us.  For this reason we are to feast on all our favorite foods and whatever else our soul desires, which is confined to what is allowed in the word. But for now we abide in a house that is not permanent, and in essence, we are just passing through.  For we all know that we can't stay here in this life, in this body, for very long.  Yet we desire for Yah our Yeshua to dwell in our house with us, so that we will not be alone.   For this reason, we desire from time to time to clean house, so that His Set Apart Spirit may dwell within our house.  The word gives us instructions for this cleansing process: 1. Repentance: which cleanses the heart, emotions, feelings. 2. Word: which cleanses the mind 3. Baptism, aka, mikvah, which is a type of the cleansing of the body, in the name of our Mas...

The days of Awe

 As we draw near to Yah our Yeshua during the feast days, Yah begins to speak to us of things which are yet to come.   The day of trumpets or Yom teruah, is a warning and a shout of celebration:   We celebrate because the righteous will meet Yeshua in the clouds, and escort Him back to earth, to begin to establish His earthly reign.   The warning is to warn the earth that the 10 days of awe are coming, in which all the armies of the world will be defeated by Yeshua and His army, and all the nations of the world will be judged by Yeshua on the Day of Atonement, aka Yom Kippur.   To put this in perspective: The seal judgments will be shared alike by good and bad, righteous and unrighteous. So believers must be prepared to endure through this time period.   The trumpet judgments will be upon all  those who have received the Mark of the Beast, but those sealed with the name of the Father and Son, will survive, and will be spared fr...