Notice the Aramaic Peshitta wording of this very familiar passage: "And if you will confess with you mouth in our Master Yeshua,..." Rom 10:9 There is no easy way for the translator to place this "in", into our English translations. Paul is saying, there is something about our Master Yeshua, that is being made obvious by the overall context, that we must confess. This fill in the blank type of communication/writing was used often in the Greek New testament, and is being used here by Paul in the original Aramaic. Now the most obvious thing one must confess, is there belief IN our Master Yeshua. But exactly what are we to believe about HIM? For surely others were also raised from the dead! On this point the best Greek texts fall short. Happy for us, we now have the Aramaic Peshitta to fill in this most important blank. For it is written: Master Yah is the same to both Jews and Aramaeans, who call upon Him. Rom 10:12 Everyone who will call on...

What is the Mark of the Beast? Can we identify who the beast is through the Bible or history? Can we identify exactly what the Mark is? There is a reason why Yah the Elohiym (God) of Israel has caused knowledge of the Biblical witnesses to increase. Because, He will not allow this end time generation to be judged for receiving this Mark, without making known to His people exactly what it is, and what they must do to overcome it, and the peril which is coming upon this end time generation.